tirsdag 5. august 2014

Lovely Anne appears at bestofpornblog and bestofpornblog-Twitter

Tweet announcing the appearance of Lovely Anne (selected pictures from sets) on my www.best-of-porn-blog.blogspot.no blog today:

Actually this is the first time I publish a selected picture set version and also on bestofpornblog before publishing here. I think I'll publish the (whole) picture set here soon...

I hope you find my new Twitter profile useful. If you don't wanna subscribe to updates via e-mail here, you can monitor my https://twitter.com/bestofpornblog and please comment and write something there (and here), advertise other porn sites, tweet as much as you can, I don't care as long as you don't tweet extreme stuff and please no anal sex either, otherwise the internet is open as far as I care. Others let me advertise so... But remember I'm a really straight guy when it comes to porn :-D

Here's five of the pictures!

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